Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Crete is unfavorable to anti-smoking regulations

data_2020-01-20 20:35:17 2020-01-20 20:35:17

Although some time has passed since the tightening of anti-smoking regulations, and one might think that this was a sufficient time to get used to the new legal regulations, unfortunately, cigarettes in Crete are still literally a "burning" problem. Various types of information campaigns and the threat of high fines do not help change behavior. Inspections carried out in various towns and cities located in Crete usually end with subsequent fines imposed on owners of shops and catering establishments, as well as on their clients smoking in places where it is prohibited.

No smoking

The inspections that were carried out at the beginning of January in Heraklion were no different. Of all the places visited by employees of state services checking compliance with the rules of the Anti-Tobacco Act, in a dozen or so cases the inspections ended with a fined procedure. Of course, a large part of these penalties concerned customers of gastronomic establishments who were sitting at tables smoking cigarettes. However, these are not the only cases of anti-smoking regulations being violated by inspectors. Among the punished persons were also several owners of commercial facilities who smoked cigarettes inside their stores during work.

A major problem revealed by the controllers was also the complete lack of marking of smoking areas. In some facilities, the adjustment to the new legal regulations was incomplete.

Unfortunately, it seems that such drastic resistance on the part of shop owners and gastronomic facilities as well as customers themselves concerns mainly Crete. Inspections carried out in other parts of Greece were completed in as much as 80% without any reservations. The result was so positive that the authority responsible for conducting these checks found the implementation to be very positive.

A cigarette-free disaster

The owners of shops and gastronomic establishments in Crete claim that the new anti-smoking regulations will lead to their bankruptcy. According to their calculations, the revenues they have recorded since the introduction of the regulations are lower by up to 40%. The consequence of the declining activity of customers are to be mass layoffs that can affect up to 50,000 employees. It is hard to say how much truth lies in these witches shrouded in cigarette smoke, but it is worth bearing in mind that these calculations are supported only by the subjective feelings of some people. Only time and hard economic and statistical data will show how much truth there is in them.

Freedom of choice

Unfortunately, the habits of some smokers who consider their addiction as one of the most important components of life have a big role in resisting changes. Smoking cigarettes is so important to them that the poisoning of other people staying with him in the same public places can explain their freedom of choice: I am a free man and I have the right to smoke wherever I feel like. This is my store and I will smoke while I'm serving customers.

Piotrek,  data_2020-01-20 20:35:17 2020-01-20 20:35:17
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CRETE - Kreta
2020-01-23 19:39:53

Przepisy antynikotynowe wprowadził grecki rząd a nie ktoś z zewnątrz więc jest to ich wewnętrzna inicjatywa. Na terenie każdego państwa są palacze i niepalący. Ustawa poparta częstymi kontrolami i nakładane mandaty mają zmienić nawyki palenia w przestrzeni publicznej i chronić przed szkodliwym dymem właśnie osoby niepalące. Chcesz się truć w rób to tam aby nie musiały wdychać papierosów osoby postronne. Tak jak pisały osoby wyżej - żadna przyjemność jeść obiad w tawernie albo siedzieć na plaży w oparach dymu. Chcesz robić zakupy w sklepie w którym właściciel pali papierosy więc wszystkie towary śmierdzą dymem? Mnie to przeszkadza i z takich sklepów po prostu wychodzę.

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