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Crete at the top of the inglorious ranking

data_2025-01-05 18:26:02 2025-01-05 18:26:02

Another New Year's balance sheet concerns both Crete and Greece. Unfortunately, the topic to which the summary refers and the data provided are sad, because they concern road accidents. Regularly following news services concerning Crete, it is impossible to miss the recurring news about further road accident fatalities.

Car on the New National Road in Crete
Disregarding the rules and risky behavior are among the causes of accidents

The data provided clearly shows that the number of road fatalities in Greece is significantly higher than the European average. Last year, Crete was among the five worst regions in Europe in this regard.

The average number of road fatalities in Europe is 51 per million inhabitants. Meanwhile, in Greece, the rate is 68, and in Crete, it reaches 100 deaths per million inhabitants. This is almost twice as much as the European average. Equally high road fatality statistics are recorded on the island of Rhodes and in the Attica region. For comparison, in Poland in 2023, the rate was 52 fatalities per million inhabitants.

In an interesting interview, Yannis Lionakis, president of the Association for the Prevention of Road Accidents, said that after a reduction in road accidents during the pandemic, which was caused by restrictions on movement, Greece is slowly returning to its old beaten track. Mortality statistics are still rising, and at the current rate of increase, the figures for next year will certainly be even worse.

The highest number of accidents is recorded in four regions of Greece. These are the regions of Chania, Rethymno, Rhodes and Attica. The first two regions are located in Crete, which unfortunately places the island in the inglorious five worst regions in Europe when it comes to the number of fatal road accidents.

Why do so many Cretans die in accidents?

There are unfortunately many causes of tragic accidents in Crete. In addition to excessive speed, it is also often driving under the influence of alcohol. In Greece, the limit for experienced drivers is 0.5 per mille, slightly lower, 0.2 per mille, is permissible for professional drivers, novices and motorcyclists. In practice, however, as you might expect, many drivers do not care about this.

Of course, a road accident is the sum of many factors that contribute to its occurrence. However, many experts emphasize that accidents are primarily caused by issues such as poor road conditions and sometimes so-called difficult weather conditions. However, as Lionakis says, over 90% of road accidents in which people die are the result of the driver's behavior. In addition to driving "double throttle", drivers' regular repertoire includes exceeding the permitted speed limit, riding without a helmet on a motorcycle or without fastening seat belts in cars, transporting children without appropriate seats, using mobile phones while driving and forcing the right of way. Let us also add more detailed data resulting from statistics: over 80% of drivers who died in accidents were men, and over half of the victims were people under the age of 55.

As Lionakis emphasizes, the key to reducing these sad figures and reversing the trend is primarily education on road traffic rules, which should appear at the preschool level. Observations show that unfortunately children uncritically accept the behaviors they observe in their immediate family. Setting a bad example in the form of a nonchalant approach to road safety by adults means that each subsequent generation that gets behind the wheel repeats the same bad behavior patterns. Unfortunately, this later translates into tragic accident balances.

Fortunately, there are also people who see the problem of high mortality in road accidents and try to react. Recently, owners of some gas stations joined a grassroots initiative not to fill up motorcyclists who do not wear helmets. Although the legality of such an action was questioned, this initiative was supported even by Adonis Georgiadis, the Greek Minister of Health. Any initiative from citizens or organizations that can help reduce the number of road accidents is welcome.

Gosia,  data_2025-01-05 18:26:02 2025-01-05 18:26:02
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