Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Remote work in Greece - the future of digital workers?

data_2020-11-24 18:51:45 2020-11-24 18:51:45

This year's difficult tourist season forces not only countries but also companies to use unconventional solutions to help fight the economic effects of the pandemic. One of the new trends that are gaining more and more popularity is encouraging people who perform remote work to settle in a given country or region. The proverbial carrot that attracts this type of workers is not only to be a much milder climate in southern Europe, but also various economic incentives. Press releases and leaks at the government level indicate that Greece will also join the group of countries constituting the base for remote workers.

Remote work in Greece - the future of digital workers?

Later this year, regulations are to be drawn up and enacted to encourage, among others, IT specialists to settle in Greece. According to the announcement, all people who indicate Greece as their place of residence will be able to count on an exemption from half of the PIT tax over the next 7 years. For the time being, the introduction of a tax threshold is not considered, nor is it a limitation related to the type of industry in which the work is performed. Theoretically, therefore, the possibility of settling in Greece will be available to all people whose professional duties allow them to perform this type of work.

The Greek government emphasizes that these solutions are not only directed at citizens of other countries. One of the most important groups to be the recipients of these privileges are the Greeks, who in recent years, due to the economic crisis, have left their homeland in search of work. These people will also be able to benefit from preferential rates.

Workation - professionally active vacation

Guest houses, hotels and large companies in the tourist industry offering accommodation are also counting on attracting remote employees. As part of the workation offers, packages are offered that include hotel accommodation, meals, IT support, and even the possibility of using local conference rooms. Preferential rates in the case of long-term room rentals are also to be an incentive to combine work and vacation.

Time will show how attractive such offers will be for mobile workers who are not attached to a fixed place of work. Even before the pandemic, some countries spontaneously had some success in this field. It is worth mentioning, for example, Portugal, which for many years has been very popular among digital nomads who often practice vanlife style.

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2020-11-24 18:51:45 2020-11-24 18:51:45
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Marta Średzińska

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2020-11-24 19:16:36

Już się pakuję.

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Kinga M. Modlińska ja też

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2020-11-24 19:18:26

Czekam z niecierpliwością :-)

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gość PiotrWie
2020-11-25 09:06:35

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Najnowsze komentarze:

W Jeorjopouli montowali parasole kilka dni temu. No jestem ciekawa czy teraz będą demontować.
gość PiotrWie : Nam się podoba - może znowu da się jeździć na Kretę. Miłośników leżaków zapraszamy z powrotem na północne wybrzeże.
Bardzo się cieszę. Mnie to odpowiada, bo nie znoszę głośnej muzyki na plaży i coraz trudniej było znaleźć miejsce bez leżaków. Jak ktoś chce leżaki to zapewne znajdzie odpowiednie miejsce.
W Falasarnie byłam ostatnio jakieś 2-3 lata temu. Leżak na leżaku, głośna muzyka z baru, co najmniej dwa kłady, kursujące tam i z powrotem co kilka minut, generujace niesamowity hałas i smród.... a pamiętam jeszcze czasy, jak można było na tej plaży rozłożyć się z kocykiem w ciszy i spokoju, eh... no cóż może i szkoda miejsc pracy, ale ludzie wszystko potrafią zniszczyć i nie znają umiaru jeśli chodzi o kasę, ... (...)
Bardzo dobrze. Jak ktoś nie chce wypożyczać leżaka, to miejsca musi szukać na drugim końcu wyspy i w najbrzydszej okolicy.
Małe sprostowanie. Określenie "Fałszywe plaże" jest błędne. Chodzi tu o "Niezadeptane plaże" (gr. Απάτητες παραλίες) ;)
To znaczy, że z Falasarny znikną baldachimy do leżenia? Trochę rewolucja.
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