Crete tourist guide

The best Polish website dedicated to the Greek island Crete and to a small extent of continental Greece. You will find useful information related to visiting Crete that goes beyond the offer of optional tours. On the website you will also find descriptions of the most interesting places that we visited by visiting this largest Greek island. The content complements the current news, photographs and recipes of Greek cuisine.

Mediterranean diet delays aging

data_2020-02-23 18:16:16 2020-02-23 18:16:16

In early February, scientists published the results of studies on the effects of the Mediterranean diet on intestinal bacteria in the elderly. The results prove that older people who regularly followed the Mediterranean diet for at least a year had more good and friendly bacteria in their intestines, which promotes healthy aging.

Greek salad

Aging is associated not only with reduced motor function but also with chronic inflammation that contributes to general weakness. For older people, broadly understood health is further aggravated by a poorly varied diet that has a direct impact on the "composition" of intestinal bacteria. The Mediterranean diet reduces the amount of microorganisms that promote inflammation, which prevents premature deterioration of motor and cognitive functions.

Researchers, led by Dr. Paul O'Toole from the School of Microbiology at Cork University College in Ireland, analyzed a microbiome of 612 people aged 65 to 79 from five European countries: France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom .

Participants were randomly divided into two groups. One followed a regular diet and the other a Mediterranean diet. So her menu includes many fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, olive oil and fish. The consumption of red meat and dairy products was low. Physical and mental state of the examined persons was assessed by means of tests twice: at the beginning of the test and after one year of diet.

At the end of the study, it was found that older people in the Mediterranean diet group had a better proportion of "good" bacteria in the intestines, as well as greater physical strength, improved brain function (e.g. memory), and lower levels of systemic inflammation. Changes in the microbiome were also accompanied by certain beneficial changes in the metabolic profiles of the intestines, which is very important for improving overall health. As expected, differences in the composition of the intestinal flora before and after the study in the group consuming the Mediterranean diet were significantly different from the control group. These changes were mainly caused by an increase in fiber, vitamin and mineral intake.

These studies are basically scientific confirmation that the use of the Mediterranean diet promotes long life in good health. For decades, especially in Crete, no one was surprised by 90-year-olds and older people who were still fit and healthy. Of course, it is impossible to describe all the conclusions presented by scientists, so people interested in this topic are referred to a scientific publication:

Gosia i Piotrek,  data_2020-02-23 18:16:16 2020-02-23 18:16:16
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 Marta Wolny-Lis
Marta Wolny-Lis
2020-02-23 17:43:46

Sałatka grecka nigdzie nie smakuje tak dobrze jak w Grecji. Uwielbiam ją.

 Karolina Kamadulska
Karolina Kamadulska
2020-02-23 18:29:30

Marta Wolny-Lis prawda

 Krystyna Sitnicka
Krystyna Sitnicka
2020-02-23 19:39:21

Marta Wolny-Lis To prawda

 Mariola Maj
Mariola Maj
2020-02-23 18:37:53

Prawda ☺

 Urszula Margiewicz
Urszula Margiewicz
2020-02-23 19:29:59

Tylko w Grecji najlepiej smakuje.

 Ferdinant Sulenji
Ferdinant Sulenji
2020-02-23 19:50:59


 Karolina Trepa
Karolina Trepa
2020-02-23 20:45:54

Tak,poza Grecją już nie to samo

 Beata Waszkowska
Beata Waszkowska
2020-02-23 21:19:42

No i nie mam juz wyjścia, na Kretę czas sie przenieść :)

 Maria Małecka
Maria Małecka
2020-02-26 22:16:34

W takim razie pomyślę


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